Why Do People Quit Meditation – And Why Is It Worth Returning?

Why Do People Quit Meditation – And Why Is It Worth Returning?

Have you ever wondered why so many people start meditating only to completely abandon the practice after a short time? Despite its numerous health and psychological benefits, meditation is often perceived as too difficult, time-consuming, or simply boring. In this post, we explore why meditation can be off-putting and how we can overcome these obstacles to reap the maximum benefits.

Meditation Requires Time and Patience

One of the main reasons people give up on meditation is the lack of immediate effects. In our fast-changing world, dominated by a culture of instant gratification, it is hard to find motivation for something that only yields results over time. Meditation requires regularity and patience – two commodities that are particularly valuable these days.

Misunderstanding Meditation

Many start meditating with incorrect expectations. They think meditation will immediately solve all their problems, or that they will achieve a deep zen state in their first session. When this does not happen, the disappointment quickly leads to discouragement from continuing the practice.

How to Return to Meditation?

The key to effective meditation is understanding that it is a process. It is not about achieving a specific state of mind in one day, but about gradually building awareness and peace. To return to meditation, start by setting realistic goals. Initially, this may be just five minutes a day. Remember, every minute spent meditating is a step towards better mental and emotional health.

Meditation can be exceptionally beneficial if you give it a chance to develop. It is worth returning to because it offers something hard to find elsewhere: profound inner peace and clarity of mind. No matter how many times you have given up in the past, you can always start anew. Meditation is a journey, not a destination, and every moment is a good one to return to it and discover its true power.


Lastly, if you are looking for support in your meditative journey, especially if you are at the beginning or if previous attempts have discouraged you, I have an excellent suggestion for you. In my online store, you can find an ebook perfect for beginners and those who need new motivation to continue meditative practices. "Practical Guide to Effective Meditation for Beginners" is a step-by-step guide that includes very effective techniques and exercises. It is an excellent start for anyone who wants to discover the benefits of regular meditation, as well as for those who wish to renew their commitment to this practice.

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